Upcoming events, jobs and more

Farm Safety: Working Alone on the Farm - next week

Wednesday March 24 - 7PM
Learn to keep safe and plan for emergencies. Open to all farms and farm workers in east central Ontario. 

For full details and to register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/farm-safety-working-alone-on-the-farm-tickets-138815080643

Important survey for direct market farms

If you market to consumers, stores or restaurants in Peterborough, you can benefit from the following marketing tools - even if your farm is outside the County:

  • social media outreach that reached 3000 people (@localfoodptbo)in 2020
  • development of two websites - Local Food Peterborough and Peterborough Farm Fresh, a directory of farms (together visited more than 10,000 times in 2020)
  • the ocal story told to consumers in two local videos (on beef and dairy) that each have been viewed more than 4000 times 

Organizers need feedback from farms on these tools and what can be done better in the future.
Please help out by completing this 3 minute survey: https://s.surveyplanet.com/T29YWTRJw      

All comments from the farm community are welcome. Just email them to localfoodptbo@gmail.com

Job postings in the region

There are current local job postings - take a look - link below!