New and Updated Funding Programs for On-Farm Projects
Farmland Stewardship Fund, Kawartha Conservation
Funding is available (50-75% with individual project caps) for City of Kawartha Lakes landowners with projects demonstrating a benefit to watershed health, such as:
- nutrient and soil loss
- cropland and shoreline erosion
- manure storage runoff
- livestock access to watercourses
- farm well management
- and other projects addressing water health
Priority is given to projects within the Talbot River sub watershed, however projects with significant stewardship potential in other CKL locations will be considered.
Kawartha Conservation will be holding two info sessions to outline the details of this new program: The first at 7pm at the Kirkfield Lion’s Club on July 15th and the second at 7pm at the Fenelon Falls Arena and Community Centre on July 20th
For more info, visit the Kawartha Conservation website, or contact Becky Parker: (705) 328-2271 x 223 |
2015 SARFIP Updates, OSCIA
Funding is available (40-80% up to $20,000) for the adoption of BMPs to support your farm's native wildlife habitats, wetlands, streams/ponds, forests, pastures/grasslands and more. Visit the Species At Risk Farm Incentive Program website for full program details, or contact OSCIA at: (519) 826-3035 | (226) 979-2465 |
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Funding is available (up to 50% in priority areas) to support projects involving wildlife ponds, wetland restoration or creation, riparian buffer creation, wetland fencing, and nesting boxes. For more information, contact Jenn Lavigne: (705) 721-4444 x 245 |
Kawartha Farm Stewardship Collaborative
Further funding opportunties are available from partners in the KFSC. If you have on-farm projects in mind, visit and let us know how we can help by filling out a project intake form.